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Address: Primorskoye shosse 2B, 188800 Vyborg.
Contact:Tel, Fax, Email, WWW, available only for subscription;
Contact Person: Marketing Department ANNA PANFILOVA
Description: Vyborg Shipyard PJSC is one of the largest shipbuilding companies of the North-Western Region of Russia with over 69-years experience in shipbuilding. Since the Shipyard was founded (1948) there have been built more than 200 different vessels with deadweight up to 12000 tons, total displacement over 1,550,000 tons.
Workforce: Highly qualified and united personnel of Vyborg Shipyard are capable of solving the most complicated and large-scale professional tasks. The company employs over 1800 qualified workers and engineers certified to international standards.
Services:new buildings, repairs, offshore
Graving Dry Dock
[DWT] L [m] B [m] H [m]
Lift [T] L [m] B [m] H [m]
Data verified by shipyard 05-11-2017

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