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Address: 80-958 Gdansk.
Contact:Tel, Fax, Email, WWW, available only for subscription;
Management: Chief Executive Officer: MARCIN RYNGWELSKI, Tel.
Vice President of the Board: BARTLOMIEJ POMIERSKI, Tel.
Member of the Board: DARIUSZ JAGUSZEWSKI, Tel.
Member of the Board: JACEK FLASINSKI, Tel.
Description: REMONTOWA SHIPBUILDING S.A. has 440 m length of quay equipped with the essential infrastructure,
compressed air, electric, and technical gases supply with 3 cranes of 26 t/17 m.
The outfitting of vessels constructed in REMONTOWA SHIPBUILDING S.A., covers complete range of works carried out on in the following departments: piping, plater and fitter, electrical and power-engine - well prepared to handle the outfitting of constructed vessels with state-of-the art hydrographic research apparatus, sophisticated navigation equipment, DP-2 dynamic positioning systems, as well as other specialised devices necessary for modern vessels which have to meet strict operational requirements.
Quays: 440 m
Workforce: 600
Cranage: 2 x 26t SWL
Services:new buildings
Lift [T] L [m] B [m] H [m]
Data verified by shipyard 11-12-2019

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