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Address: 54 Portului Street, 800025 Galati.
Contact:Tel, Fax, Email, WWW, available only for subscription;
Contact Person: General Information
Management: Commercial Contact: , Email, Tel.
General Information: , Email, Tel.
Commercial contact: , Email, Tel.
Description: -Docking operations in own docks
-Repairs of the propelled and un-propelled ships
-Diagnosis and technical solutions
-Naval design
-Repairs and reconditioning for naval parts and equipments
-Technical interventions for the ships at different locations of the Romanian Sector of the Danube
-1 maneuvers pusher boat of 600 PH
-Technological lines, equipments for mechanical, electrical, welding operations etc.
Cranage: -floating crane with a force of 100 tons
Services:repairs, flying squad, designers
Floating Dry Dock
Lift [T] L [m] B [m] H [m]
Data verified by shipyard 26-01-2020

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