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Address: 9000 Varna.
Contact:Tel, Fax, Email, WWW, available only for subscription;
Contact Person: S. STOYANOV
Management: Executive Director: S. STOYANOV, Email, Tel.
Description: During the last 25 years, due to the joint efforts of management, foremen and workers, the company has managed to build new ship repair and ship building yard. Starting the New building from 2006 MTG Dolphin succeeded to prove itself as capable Shipbuilder for complicated projects with maximum shipbuilding capacity of 17`500 t DWT vessels.
Quays: Outfitting wharfs
1 - Length 170 meters; draft 6,5
2 - Length 180 meters; draft 7,0
3,4 - Sides of dock 1 Length - 180 meters; draft - 12,0 meters
Workforce: 250 to 500
Cranage: 1 x 80 t ; 2 x 32 t ; 2 x 12,5 t - Gantry cranes, 4 x 25 t ; 2 x 8 t tower cranes, 10 workshop cranes with capacity from 5 to 10 tons. All necessary equipment for any kind of steel, blasting and painting (including hydro-blasting), mechanical, electrical and piping works on board and in workshops.
Services:new buildings, repairs, machinery only, electrical/electronics only, light repairs, underwater, flying squad, designers
Floating Dry Dock
Lift [T] L [m] B [m] H [m]
Data verified by shipyard 17-10-2017

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