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Address: 3 Industrialna Str, 8000 Bourgas.
Contact:Tel, Fax, Email, WWW, available only for subscription;
Contact Person: Sales and Marketing Department
Management: Port Director: RADOSLAV DOYCHEV, Email, Tel.
Commercial contact: , Email, Tel.
Technical Manager: , Email, Tel.
Description: High-pressure waterjet and gritblast cleaning; painting; all types of steel work; repairs to diesel engines, compressors, pumps, heat exchangers, etc; repairs to pipelines.
Quays: Total pier length 200m, max draught 9m; open storage area: 8000 sq.m.; wharehouses: 6500 sq.m.
Workforce: 250 + 150 subcontracted
Cranage: 1x5t, 1x10t, 1x15t; Fork lift trucks: 2x3tx2.6m, 1x3tx3.3m; autotrailer: 1x10t; Brigde cranes: 2x12.5t, 1x5t
Services:repairs, flying squad
Floating Dry Dock
Lift [T] L [m] B [m] H [m]
Data verified by shipyard 01-01-2020

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