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Address: 19, Pandan Road, 609271 Singapore.
Contact:Tel, Fax, Email, WWW, available only for subscription;
Contact Person: Chairman & Managing Director ANG KOK TIAN
Management: Deputy Managing Director: ANG AH NUI, Email, Tel.
Executive Director: ANG KOK ENG, Tel.
Description: Shipbuilding - ASL Shipyard provides a comprehensive range of shipyard and support services for new builds, conversions and retrofittings. The yard has established a track record of new buildings in specialised niche vessels such as:- Offshore Support Vessels including AHT Supply Vessels, Platform Supply Vessel, Offshore Maintenance/Accommodation Vessels, Rescue and Standby Vessel, Heavy Lift-cum-Pipe Laying Vessel, etc. Accommodation Barge, Pipe Laying/Work Barge, Shallow Water Jack Up Barge, etc., Commercial Vessels including Chemical Tanker (IMO II/III), Bunkering Tanker, Clean & Dirty Product Tanker, Container Vessel.

Shiprepairs - ASL\'s drydocking facilities in Batam includes a Graving Dry Dock for vessels up to 150,000 DWT and a Floating Dock for vessels up to 20,000 DWT for retrofittings, conversions, life-extensions and repairs of all types of vessels including Tankers, Container Vessels, Bulk Carriers, etc. Offshore Work Vessels, Dredging Vessels, Pipe Laying Vessels, etc. FSOs and FPSOs.
Quays: - Finger Pier - 200m x 16m c/w 1 x 35T Luffing Crane
- Dry dock: 2 x 20T pedestal crane
- Graving dock: Extending to 360m - 260m x 60m c/w 7 x 6500m3/hr de-watering pumps, 1 x 35T luffing crane
Workforce: 270 staff, over 3,000 contract workers
Cranage: Gantry - 1 x 180T/ 1 x 150T/ 2 x 65T/ 1 x 50T/ 1 x 40T/ 4 x 20T. Crawler - 2 x 200T/ 3 x 150T/ 1 x 80T/ 1 x 55T/ 2 x 50T
Services:new buildings, repairs
Floating Dry Dock
Lift [T] L [m] B [m] H [m]
Graving Dry Dock
[DWT] L [m] B [m] H [m]
Data verified by shipyard 12-10-2017

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