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Address: Damsgarsdsveien 119, 5160 Bergen.
Contact:Tel, Fax, Email, WWW, available only for subscription;
Contact Person: Sales and Marketing Manager PETTER HERNAES
Management: General Information: , Email, Tel.
Commercial Contact: , Email, Tel.

Description: Bergen Group Skjondal is a complete maritime workshop with special competence within maintenance, repair, modifications and re-construction of high speed vessels and proplusion plants. This gives our customers the possibility of having all the work done in one place, which in turn reduce cost and minimises off-hire time.

Bergen Group Skjondal has a stable and experienced staff of 35 persons, who ensure that an efficient work procedure is adhered to. The workshop is centrally localised at Laksevaag in Bergen.

We have all the necessary special tools and equipment to carry out service and maintenance in a correct and efficient manner. Which of course ensures that our work is of the highest quality.
Data verified by shipyard 26-12-2019

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