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Address: 500 Rose Ave, 23504 Norfolk, VA.
Contact:Tel, Fax, Email, WWW, available only for subscription;
Management: Commercial Contact: , Email, Tel.
Purchasing Manager: , Email, Tel.
Marketing: , Email, Tel.
HR: , Email, Tel.
Description: As one of the leading marine contractors on the east coast, Lyon Shipyard is proud to provide our customers with high quality marine repair held to the highest standards of our quality assurance department. We at Lyon Shipyard supply our customers with services including, but not limited to, marine electronics repair, barge repair, pier side repairs as well as hauling vessels out of the water for underwater repairs to equipment such as propellers, tailshafts, rudders, keel coolers and hull plating.
Workforce: Between 185 and 210 employees
Cranage: Crane and material handling services are provided by our five certified cranes with lifting capacities of up to fifty tons and booms of up to110 feet. Our fifth crane is barge mounted with a 60-foot boom and 15 ton lifting capacity
Services:new buildings, repairs
Graving Dry Dock
[DWT] L [m] B [m] H [m]
Lift [T] L [m] B [m] H [m]
Data verified by shipyard 04-10-2017

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