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Address: No.120 Daxi road, 212001 Zhenjiang.
Contact:Tel, Fax, Email, available only for subscription;
Contact Person: Manager GUOXIN YIN
Management: CEO: YIGUANG LI, Email, Tel.
Description: The manufactures of the company includes all kinds of dry cargo ships under 20000 tons, 1000DWT containers, multi-purpose ships, chemical tankers, product oil tankers and etc..
Quays: Total area of the company is 140000 m2 with 21000 m2 structure area.
Workforce: More than 500 engineers and administrating staffs are serving for the company, in which 210 have senior titles and 230 are qualified welders.
Services:new buildings, repairs
Graving Dry Dock
[DWT] L [m] B [m] H [m]
Data verified by shipyard 23-12-2019

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